CNY 99
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Pictures from Chinese New Year (16 - 17 Feb 99) gathering.

This year, Mummy Khoo (Sah Kor) cooked lunch for us on the 1st day - my gosh, the food was just so yummy I'm salivating thinking about it while I write this. You know, I never really know the names of some of the foods she cooks - it's definitely Peranakan - things like Chicken Buah Keluak, Kiam Chye Teng, Ayam Sioh, Bawang Kepeting soup ....doh, can't remember the rest. Anyway, as long as you know it was great.

I've changed the format for this page - had complaints from Jeannie that it took tooooo long to download. There are now thumbnails of the pictures, and if you'd like to see a bigger version of a picture, then click on it. If you need more details about any of the pictures, write to me and I'll fill you in.

I just LOVED getting all the mail from those who appreciated the previous pictures. Keeps me motivated thinking that somehow, I'm managing to keep everyone please don't shy....write to me even if it's just with one word like "Hi !".

Oh ya, if you know of any of our other relatives (and their email addresses) who may want to receive this, let me know. I've tried as much as I can to compile the addresses together.

Enjoy !!
Joo Beng.

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We started our day of course with my Mom and Dad :

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Some folks came a visiting in the morning :

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and there was the usual round of drinking...

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We then proceeded to Si Pek's...

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where we bumped into Andrew and family

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We then proceeded to Gee Teo's, where we met Sylvia, Kian Seng and Jeremy, and Jeannie and Che Chim :

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After that, we all congregated at Sah Kor's for more food, drink and general revelry !

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We rounded up with a great group shot !

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That's it for CNY 99 !! It was nice to see most everyone again, and we were all thinking of those that couldn't be with us.

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